Story Hour #VolunteersWithAVoice with Jonathan Hoffenberg
Monday, April 4th, 2022
Click here to watch the full segment

This weeks DGFG live #VolunteersWithAVoice Story Hour With the president of YellowTelescope, iScream Social Media, (@YellowTelescope) Jonathan Hoffenberg. He supports the Little Lighthouse Foundation by participating our DGFG Match and generously donate and contribute to the community. Jonathan read for the hour was “Winnie The Witch” by Valarie Thomas and Korky Paul. In this book, the author demonstrates changing the society and removes the barrier for everyone so rather than try to change people with differences or impairments, it’s better to change our environment and attitudes.
To check out the full segment and future readings, head on over to our Instagram page @LLFoundation. Tune in every Monday at 3 p.m. for our DGFG Live segments!
Fit Club Presented by LaCroix with Missy Babicka
Wednesday, April 5th, 2022
Click here to check out her website

This Week DGFG live Fit Club was instructed by Kindness is a Superpower, Missy Babicka (@Kindness_Superpower). Missy is known as the First Lady of the Little Lighthouse Foundation and chapter leader for LLF’s Story Hour at Chapman. Missy is teaching a New semester at Casa de Bambini with 14 kids and her daughter, Layla who is 8 years old. She demonstrates the importance of better social skills & teaching the younger generation kindness.
Missy combined her love of fun and fitness with a 30 minute workout!
Tune in every Wednesday at 3 p.m. for our DGFG Live segments!